How to Remove Capcut Watermark

Have you ever made a fun video on CapCut and then noticed a little mark that says “CapCut” on your video? That’s called a watermark. Sometimes, you might want to remove it so your video looks better and more pro. Don’t worry, it’s not too hard to do! In this guide, I’m going to show you step-by-step How to Remove Capcut Watermark in a way that’s easy to understand. We’ll go through the process together. By the end, you’ll know how to make your videos look great without that mark. So, grab your device, and let’s get started on this fun and easy journey to perfect videos!

How to Remove Capcut Watermark?

  • Open CapCut
  • Start a New Project
  • Edit Your Video
  • Remove the Ending with the Watermark
  • Tap on the Ending Clip:
  • Delete the Ending Clip:
  • Save Your Video

Open CapCut

Look for the CapCut app icon on your device, usually depicted as a small square with black and white colors, and tap on it to open the app. If you’re interested in learning how to blur on CapCut, keep reading for more helpful tips!

Start a New Project

Once CapCut is open, you will see a big button that says “New Project.” Tap on it to start making a new video. After you tap “New Project,” you will see all the videos and photos on your device. Tap on the ones you want to use in your video, and then tap “Add” at the bottom of the screen.

Edit Your Video

Now you are in the editing area. Here, you can cut parts of the video, add music, text, stickers, and more. Have fun making your video the way you like it!

Remove the Ending with the Watermark

At the end of your video, CapCut adds a short clip that says “CapCut.” This is the watermark. To remove it, scroll all the way to the end of your video timeline.

Tap on the Ending Clip:

When you find the ending clip that says “CapCut,” tap on it. It will get a white box around it to show it’s selected.

Delete the Ending Clip:

Look for a little trash can icon at the bottom of the screen. Tap on the trash can to delete the ending clip. Now, the watermark is gone from the end of your video!

Save Your Video

At the top right corner of the screen, you will see a button that looks like an arrow pointing up with a line under it. Tap this button to save your video. Before saving, make sure that the “Add Default Ending” option is turned off. This makes sure the watermark does not come back. Tap “Export” to save your video to your device. Wait a few moments while CapCut finishes up, and your video will be ready without the watermark!

Benefits of Removing Capcut Watermark

  • Professional Appearance: Videos without watermarks look more polished and professional. This is vital if you use the video for business, presentations, or any formal setting. Without the CapCut watermark, you can add your own logo or branding elements to the video, making it yours.
  • Improved Viewer Experience: Watermarks can be distracting for viewers. Removing them ensures that your audience focuses on the content, not on the CapCut logo. A video without a watermark looks more appealing, enhancing the viewing experience.
  • Increased Credibility: When your videos are free of watermarks, it shows that you take your content creation. This can help build trust and credibility with your audience. Unmarked, high-quality videos reflect well on your skills and effort. They make a good impression on viewers.
  • Flexibility and Customization: Without the watermark, you have the freedom to personalize your videos. You can add custom elements like text, logos, or other graphics without the clutter of the CapCut logo. Removing the watermark allows you to keep the same branding in all your videos. This is crucial for brand recognition and marketing.
  • Enhanced Sharing and Promotion: Videos without watermarks are more likely to be shared and liked on social media. They can also perform better engagement and reach. When collaborating with others, they may find videos without watermarks more acceptable. They can integrate them into other projects.
  • Monetization Opportunities: YouTube and similar video-sharing sites are more likely to accept and promote pro videos. This can help you earn ad revenue. Brands and sponsors prefer working with creators who produce high-quality, clean content. Removing the watermark can attract potential sponsorships.
  • Compliance with Platform Policies: Some platforms may have rules against visible third-party watermarks. Removing the watermark ensures your videos follow these policies, preventing any potential issues.
  • Better Focus on Content: Removing the watermark keeps the focus on your message, story, or information rather than on the editing tool used to create the video.


Can you remove CapCut watermark for free?

Yes, you can remove it for free by following the right steps.

How to download video from CapCut without watermark?

Click “Export” and turn off the “Add Default Ending” option before saving.

How do I make my CapCut watermark clear?

You can’t make it clear, but you can remove it using the right settings.

How do I remove a watermark from a video?

Use video editing tools or apps to crop it out or blur it.

Can I remove the CapCut watermark from my videos without paying?

Yes! CapCut offers a free option to remove the watermark by watching a short advertisement. After you finish editing your video, simply select the option to remove the watermark for free.


Now that you know how to remove the CapCut watermark, you’re ready to make your videos look even more amazing! Remember, it’s all about following a few simple steps and being patient. You might want to share your video with friends. Or, post it on social media. Or, keep it as a special memory. But, a clean video without watermarks looks more professional. So, go ahead and create your awesome videos with confidence! You’ve got the skills to make them shine.

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